5 Ingredients for a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Rejuvenan Nurse Practitioner, Mike Polich MS, MBA, FNP-BC

Amanda Ceglarz


Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. It provides your body with the necessary oxygen and nutrients vital for daily survival. If you want to improve your overall health and protect your heart, simple changes in your lifestyle and diet can make a big impact.

For these changes to stick, focus on adding more healthful foods, rather than just taking things out of your daily diet and routine.

1. Add more seafood

Seafood is not only a great source of protein, it’s also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The American Heart Association advises eating at least two servings of seafood per week for enough omega-3's and nutrients to show improved health. In particular, fatty fish such as salmon, trout, pollock, barramundi, mackerel, herring, sardines and albacore tuna have the highest amounts of the heart-healthy nutrients that help prevent cardiovascular disease.

2. Seek healthy fats

Not all fats are created equal. With all the fad diets that come and go, the Mediterranean diet continues to top media and nutritionists’ lists of best plans for healthy eating. It’s also been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The most commonly used fat in the Mediterranean diet is olive oil, which is great for a variety of cooking methods, salad dressings and more. Other healthy fats come from the foods themselves, like the unsaturated fats found in fish, nuts, seeds or avocados. The Mediterranean approach is also plant-based, add proteins like fish, lean meat, poultry and dairy (in moderation).

3. Choose whole grains

Also featured in the Mediterranean diet patterns are whole grains like brown rice, wild rice, whole wheat bread, oats and quinoa. Less-processed grains are healthier because they have both higher nutritional value and better fiber content. The nutrients in many whole grains — including potassium, iron, phosphorus and more — help boost your heart health. The higher fiber in whole grains aids digestion and can help you keep your weight down, which can also improve your heart’s function.

4. Focus on plants

You’ve probably heard a lot about plant-based eating recently. That’s because of the growing awareness of both the health and the environmental benefits of focusing a larger portion of your diet on plants. Including a wider range of differently colored fruits and vegetables — plus nuts, seeds, beans and legumes — will give you the greatest nutritional benefits. Plants offer an array of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber — and many contain more protein than you might expect. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that eating more plant-based proteins is associated with lower heart disease risk in middle-aged adults.

5. Amp up your movement

Another vital ingredient in a heart-healthy lifestyle is exercise. Adding more daily movement helps you look and feel better, inside and out. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, plus muscle-strengthening exercises at least twice a week. It’s always best to consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise plan.

Choosing whole foods over processed foods may improve heart health. Using herbs and spices can also make it easier to stick to meal plans by adding robust and tasty flavors to the menu. Not only do some seasonings — like ginger, garlic and turmeric — offer positive health benefits, they can also reduce unhealthy cravings by satisfying your taste buds.

Rejuvenan’s at-home cholesterol test through LetsGetChecked can help you track an important marker of your heart health over time. Use this test to easily update your Rejuvenan LDL cholesterol biomarker and receive a personalized treatment plan based on your results. Early detection and regular monitoring of cholesterol levels can provide for better clinical outcomes and allow you to make proactive lifestyle changes.

If you haven’t already, join Rejuvenan, click into each of your biomarker icons and complete all your biomarkers today.

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By Mike Polich MS, MBA, FNP-BC

Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

